What Real Design Collaboration Looks Like

Saifu Muhammad


Alex McDonnell


Mor Daniel


All too often we see companies invest in design tools hoping to power their entire product organization. Yet, as we move into a world more comfortable with distributed workforces and where more collaborators are key stakeholders in digital product creation - we need to invest in tech that works for the whole product team.

There are many amazing tools built for designers, and even some that are great for collaboration among entire design teams. But for our customers, real transformation only happens when everyone outside of the design function can actually get involved in the process -- not just be a passive viewer.

Join this upcoming InVision Talk to learn why our customers choose InVision as the platform where every collaborator has a view built just for them.

In this talk you will learn:

  • How one tool can power entire product organizations (regardless of role, geographies and timezones) through a connected workflow
  • How to get those outside of design teams to contribute to the design process
  • What different collaborators see in InVision and how those tools were created for their unique role and responsibilities

Collaborate in real time on a digital whiteboard