Best Practices for Better Designer-Developer Collaboration

Dorcie Lovinsky


Kala Narayan


Lizzie de Cantor


Taking a design from concept to reality is tough. Developers and designers need to work together in harmony to create top-notch products and experiences. Easier said than done, right?

Join us for this webinar featuring Dorcie Lovinski, Engineering Manager at InVision and Kala Narayan, UI Designer at Twilio, moderated by Lizzie de Cantor, Product Marketing Director at InVision to learn the nitty-gritty steps to improving your designer-developer collaboration.

You’ll take away:

  • Practical advice for building workflows that work for both designers and developers
  • Best practices for bridging the divide and creating effective partnerships
  • Tools and tips to make collaboration quick, easy, and painless

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Collaborate in real time on a digital whiteboard