
InVision + Box

4 min read
Clair Byrd
  •  Sep 9, 2015
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We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Box to take enterprise product design to the next level. This new integration helps enterprise teams collaborate and iterate on designs by providing an easy way to send files in Box right to your InVision project.

“You can now send your design files in Box right to your InVision project.”

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Securely connecting to Box

  1. Once you’re in your InVision project, click the +, then select Box
  2. You’ll be prompted to log into your Box account
  3. Once you’re connected with Box, use the Box File Picker to select the files you want to send to your InVision project

Next time you log into your InVision project, you’ll see those files there waiting for you!

Want to give Box syncing a try?

Collaborate in real time on a digital whiteboard