Our fearless leader, Clark Valberg, sat down with our friends at Funsize for a podcast on products.
Here are a few of his key insights from the episode:
On fielding feature requests from the community
At InVision, we categorize feature requests as follows, then funnel them to the appropriate team for prioritizing or scrapping.
- Bugs or loss of service
- Refinement or “I wish InVision did”
Direct to engineering and quick turn team
Product and design team for discussion
On keeping designers fresh
Designers own more than just features. They own ideas all the way from conception to launch, which includes all cross-functional aspects (dev hours, launch planning).
On dealing with the competition
Watch your competition’s decision making, and try to learn from how they are solving their own unique market problems, then apply that learning where it is appropriate. Feel confident in your ability to pick and choose from the learnings available in your competitive market and competing companies.
Bringing an MVP to market is not easy and that spurs plenty of conversation. But, what’s the next step after the market is proven? How do you make decisions once you have something valuable that users want and find useful?
by Clair Byrd
Former Director of Content Marketing at InVision.