
UX pillars: A guide for enterprise success

4 min read
Margaret Kelsey
  •  May 20, 2016
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In an enterprise-sized company, driving a consistent UX mindset can be a challenge.

So, we invited Josh Rossman, Director of User Experience at GoDaddy, to teach us about the 4 UX pillars that can keep design teams focused on fundamentalsTwitter Logo so they can solve problems in a way that aligns with company goals.

Watch Josh’s full talk below, or read on for our short recap.


Enterprise problems

Josh said that solving problems in a company of a bigger size can be challenging because of team dynamics, organizational structure, and not having a broad enough understanding of the company’s direction. 

The goal of UX pillars is to demonstrate a shared mindset within your entire company by using both words and actions.

Check out Inside Design: GoDaddy for more with Josh Rossman.

The first way to demonstrate—and solidify—a shared mindset is through words. In a large company, if the design team uses talking points and buzzwords indicating the aligned areas of focus, before long, you’ll see those works come out of other folks in the organization. This will happen organically. Talking points work—that’s why politicians use them.Twitter Logo

The next 3 ways are through action. The first is by establishing and enforcing a way of doing things. It could be as simple as creating a standard creative brief for teams to use and write out what requirements are necessary for a design group to start the problem-solving process. It’s vital to have consistency around those types of actions so that every group in the company can access the resources of the design teams in an organized fashion.

“Use UX pillars to demonstrate a shared design mindset within your entire company.”

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The second action-based way is by testing things. When you’re discussing projects with teams, building in time to test sets the expectation that you’re a customer-focused company.Twitter Logo Testing can range from usability prototypes, to guerilla testing with friends and family, to even focus groups.

The GoDaddy design team.

The final action-based way to demonstrate a shared mindset is by being informed by that data or research. Just looking at analytics and data only gives you one side of the story—you’ll need to gather qualitative data to understand why the data is telling you something.

The next step is to develop a set of pillars so that individual members of the team can go out and do work that will further the company’s goals. GoDaddy’s 4 pillars are:

  1. Intuitive
  2. Individualized
  3. Inspiring action
  4. Integrated

To hear Josh go into detail about each of GoDaddy’s 4 pillars, watch the video above!

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